For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 (ESV)
Formed in 2021, Shepherd's Grace Church has undergone several changes. From changing names and locations, we have grown and matured into the church we are today. Ever growing in Christ our Savior, we continue to walk in His footsteps and continue moving forward.
Currently, we are sharing a facility with Scenic Park Church of the Nazarene and have combined services and worship with them. By blending our churches together, we're able to offer a traditional and contemporary service, while worshipping Jesus Christ in Spirit and Truth. We are a church who believe wholeheartedly in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that the Bible is the infallible Word of God.

In 2024, Pastor Stephen J. Semones, pictured here, assumed the pastoral duties of both churches, blending everything together into one church for the present time. As our church grows, we look forward to working with the Nazarene Church and its district to open more ministries and opportunities to not only serve God, but our community and other areas.
We look forward to the coming years, growing and serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, while putting our efforts into becoming more like Him daily.
If you do not have a home church, we sincerely encourage you to join us and consider our church your new home.